IntroductionAn instance of JSVirtualMachine represents a single JavaScript "object space" or set of execution resources. Thread safety is supported by locking the virtual machine, with concurrent JavaScript execution supported by allocating separate instances of JSVirtualMachine. GroupsCreating New Virtual MachinesGroup members:
Memory ManagementGroup members:
addManagedReference:withOwner:Notify the JSVirtualMachine of an external object relationship. - (void)addManagedReference:(id)object withOwner:(id)owner; ParametersDiscussionAllows clients of JSVirtualMachine to make the JavaScript runtime aware of arbitrary external Objective-C object graphs. The runtime can then use this information to retain any JavaScript values that are referenced from somewhere in said object graph. For correct behavior clients must make their external object graphs reachable from within the JavaScript runtime. If an Objective-C object is reachable from within the JavaScript runtime, all managed references transitively reachable from it as recorded using -addManagedReference:withOwner: will be scanned by the garbage collector. initCreate a new JSVirtualMachine. - (instancetype)init; removeManagedReference:withOwner:Notify the JSVirtualMachine that a previous object relationship no longer exists. - (void)removeManagedReference:(id)object withOwner:(id)owner; ParametersDiscussionThe JavaScript runtime will continue to scan any references that were reported to it by -addManagedReference:withOwner: until those references are removed. |